
Name: Ignacio Matteo Romero Garcia
Species: Divinity (human inhabited by jaguar god of vengeance)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Usually dominant (may submit to women; unlikely to submit to men)
Position: Always top
Age: 36
Apparent Age: 33
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 155 lbs.
Home: Outside a North American city (wherever's convenient!)
Occupation: Singer & lyricist for Ares Ascending
F-List: Here

Born and raised in El Paso, TX, Matteo is the inheritor of a strange family curse. He ran hot, hit hard and never stayed hurt, even as a boy. Not much of a curse on its surface. It wasn't until around puberty that the Beast insisted its presence, pushing violent fantasies into a sweet-tempered young man, changing his shape to better carry out its vengeful desires. Matteo refused to let it control his life. Without anyone around to guide him in these strange matters, he turned to burning out that abnormal energy however he could. Bad skating, joining bands as drummer or singer and becoming known for absolutely electric stage performances. He's built an identity for himself among humankind, through grit and determination; it's one he hopes to never leave behind. After years of struggle to make it as a musician, Matteo has finally achieved enough success to live comfortably. He bought a single-family home in the same neighborhood as his best friend and long-time bandmate, Oscar. He's even tried to learn some things about that inner Beast of his. See, he's met plenty of shifters over the years by now, and none of them feel spoken to by their Beast so articulately as he does. After a lifetime of remaining willfully ignorant, he's trying to get to the bottom of that so-called family curse.